President, Terri Leyton Consulting (CURRENT) – Fire protection consulting services specializing in fire service relations and education. Well known Fire Sprinkler Advocate.
Majority Owner/ Vice-President/ COO, Protection Design & Consulting – Director of San Diego Office, responsible for Office Management, Financial, Sales & Marketing efforts. Project management and coordination of various trades. Very active fire sprinkler advocate, assist with legislative issues in various States, residential sprinkler promotion nationwide. Extremely active in CA Fire Service.
Vendor Liaison, California Fire Prevention Institute (non-profit) – (1998-2020) Exhibit hall coordination for nationally recognized annual training conference which is part of the CA Fire Prevention Officers Section of CALCHIEFS. Participate in the planning and development of curriculum for event. Solicit new Sponsors, participants; manage all aspects of exhibit hall, including Public and Media Relations.
Director of Sales and Marketing, Fuel Technologies – (2003) Direct the National sales and marketing efforts for fuel maintenance products. Assist with changes to NFPA codes, which provide for fuel maintenance provisions on all new fire pumps. Present seminars for industry as well as fire service personnel. National sales support and training.
Technical Field Support, Central Sprinkler Company / Tyco Fire Products – (1998-2002) Technical field support for manufacturer of fire sprinkler products. Government and Public relations specializing in the provisions of the Omega and GB Recall program. Provide seminars regarding products to Fire Departments, Contractors, Home and Building Owners throughout the United States. Company liaison to the Fire Service nationwide, with an emphasis in the Western Region. Presentation of information regarding company product recalls. Instrumental in the passage of CA Senate Bill 575, requiring fire sprinklers in all new CA schools.
Manager, Marketing & Sales, TVA Fire & Life Safety – (1991-1998) – Business Development through multi-media and direct sales presentations nationwide. Public relations, client account management, man exhibit booth at national trade shows, provide national and international representation of firm and services. Responsible for all advertising, design and maintenance of web site, and all brochure/informational literature. Responsible for sales in excess of $750,000 per year. Conduct seminars nationwide on fire and life safety. Prepare all multi-media presentation materials.
Executive Administrative Assistant, TVA Fire & Life Safety – Executive Administrator to CEO / Board of Directors, Network Administrator, Government Liaison, Special Projects Coordinator, publish quarterly newsletter, attend meetings nationwide representing firm as well as clients, computer support and training throughout company, manage any projects requiring special skills for presentations, training classes, and technical drawings. Provide administrative support to CEO for all professional and personal matters. Started with company as Office Manager, which included hiring, firing, accounts payable/receivable and general office duties.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- Professional Member
- Member, Fire Service Section
California Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Prevention Officers Section Member
- Northern and Southern Sections Member, Chair: Southern Fire Service Education Committee
- Fire Protection Equipment and Devices Committee, Voting Member
- CA Fire Prevention Institute, Vendor Liaison
San Diego Fire Protection Association
- Officer
American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA)
- Executive Director, San Diego Chapter
National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA)
- Professional Member
International Code Council (ICC)
- Professional Member
- James Golinveaux, President & CEO, The Viking Group
- Cecil Bilbo, NFSA, Academy of Fire Sprinkler Technology
- Ruben Grihalva, Retired CALFIRE, Interim Chief: Milpitas, CA
- Tonya Hoover, Superintendant – National Fire Academy
- Ron Coleman, Former CA State Fire Marshal
- Russ Leavitt, Telgian
Marketing, San Francisco State University
Marketing, UCSD Extended Studies Program