A critical inverse relationship ranging from LSAS scores and you can very first obsession period on direct is found, r (18) = –

A critical inverse relationship ranging from LSAS scores and you can very first obsession period on direct is found, r (18) = –

To assess the first three hypotheses, Pearson’s correlations were used with partial correlations used to account for the effect of state anxiety (state score from the STAI . Tests of normality showed that all variables were normally distributed and hence suitable for this parametric test, except for the following: fixation count to head and body, dwell time to the head and background and time to first fixate the body. For correlations where one variable was not normally distributed both Pearson’s (r) and Spearman’s (rs) analyses were conducted and reported. Partial correlations are based on Pearson’s correlation regardless of distribution. All tests are two-tailed.

Overall performance

After pre-running had taken place, the eye path investigation is actually looked getting outliers (research situations larger than step one.five times the new interquartile assortment getting confirmed adjustable), by the investigating boxplots. The new rural study affairs (n = 19) was excluded for personal data activities inside the eyes-recording steps , consisting of 4.22% of one’s full investigation.


No significant correlation was found between LSAS scores and time to first fixate the head r (16) = .101, p = .709 and the body r (21) = -.062, p = .790, (r s (21) = -.144, p = .522). Continue reading “A critical inverse relationship ranging from LSAS scores and you can very first obsession period on direct is found, r (18) = –”