But the well-regarded Portman is just the latest lovely lady to star opposite Kutcher on the big screen

But the well-regarded Portman is just the latest lovely lady to star opposite Kutcher on the big screen

Guess Who with Zoe SaldanaIn Guess Who, a race-reversing remake of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, Kutcher tried to win over the family of his black girlfriend, played by future Avatar star Zoe Saldana, including her hard-to-please father, played by the late Bernie Mac. Verdict: A little frayed, but with potential.

No Strings Attached with Natalie Portman In No Strings Attached, Natalie Portman plays a commitment-phobic doctor who starts a strictly-sex relationship with her TV production assistant pal, played by Ashton Kutcher

A Lot Like Love with Amanda Peet In A Lot Like Love, Kutcher stars opposite Amanda Peet as two twenty something singles who slowly fall in love through numerous, brief interactions over the course of several years. Continue reading “But the well-regarded Portman is just the latest lovely lady to star opposite Kutcher on the big screen”