Rules For Sending Nudes Everyone Should Know

Rules For Sending Nudes Everyone Should Know

So, we all send nudes, but why? What is it about naked photos we love? What makes nudes so fun?

Data shows that people get a serious hit of dopamine when they swap nudes with someone else. Man, woman, it doesn’t matter. We all get the same high when we know that someone else is enjoying our explicit images.

Not only that, but nudes can increase confidence too – both for the sender and the receiver. Receiving a personalized, naked pic on your phone is the modern way of being told you’re important to someone. It’s a sign of trust and intimacy, and that makes people feel good.

Also, knowing that the other person might jerk off to your sexy nudes is a pretty big confidence booster too.

We’ve covered the main topics about sending nudes, but there’s still a couple of other rules you should keep in mind.

Consent is crucial. Always get consent from girls before sending out nudes of any kind. It doesn’t matter if you’re sending them to girls you know or amateur porn models, if the other person hasn’t requested them then it’s a bad idea. These days, it’s borderline sexual assault.

Set your own boundaries. Not all women are professional models. Some girls might be insecure about their bodies, so they might not be comfortable sending you a completely nude photo. Continue reading “Rules For Sending Nudes Everyone Should Know”